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The Truth About Gratitude Journals and if They Actually Work

We get caught up in our future, doing things we don’t want to but have to, and pleasing others. All of this adds stress, and that stress only makes us emotional and agitated! I too was stressed, before I started a gratitude journal.

At University, I found it difficult to really enjoy myself. I realized during my experience that I no longer heavily glorified getting a degree. However, pursuing something every day I didn’t value or have an interest in, really changed my outlook on life, let me explain…

When and How to Write in a Gratitude Journal

I found in my experience at Uni that doing something only because it pleases others can leave you feeling stuck and angry. I found myself in a cycle of doing something, going somewhere, or talking to someone I had no interest in! This day-to-day was extremely draining and I found myself falling into a habit of complaining non-stop.

I hated life! Not because I went without, was unfortunate, or faced hardship. But because I was utterly uninspired, unmotivated, and felt like I was being dressed as a character I wasn’t willing to play. Have you felt this?

Going through the motions of life can leave us feeling angry, irritated, stuck, left behind, unlucky, or all of the above!

I got tired of complaining, so I looked into various resources that could help me change how I felt. I discovered gratitude journaling. Gratitude journaling can help you cultivate a more positive mindset – among other things. That’s why it’s great to start in a rut!

The beauty of gratitude journaling is that it can be done at any time of the day and can be started at any point. Especially, if you feel stuck or dissatisfied regularly, as I did. This is a great time to start! Some people prefer to write in their gratitude journal first thing in the morning to set a positive tone for their day – a way I have found useful. There’s no right or wrong way to do it – the key is to find what works best for you, and to stick with it!

What Do I Normally Write in a Gratitude Journal?

When you dislike your job or your day-to-day, you become very focused on the negative and what’s lacking. This creates a habit of complaining, procrastination, and irritability.

By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you’ll begin to shift your mindset from one of lack to one of abundance.

Research has shown that practicing gratitude can lead to:

  • Lower levels of stress
  • Improved relationships
  • An overall increase in happiness

When it comes to what to write in your journal, the possibilities are endless! Some people like to write down specific things they’re grateful for, while others write about general topics their life, such as their health or relationships. The key is to focus on the things that bring you joy and happiness – no matter how big or small!

How to Buy the Best Ones?

Gratitude journals come in all shapes and sizes, making it easy to find one that suits your style. You can find gratitude journals online and in stores. Some journals have prompts or guided sections, while others are completely blank for you to fill in. When looking for a gratitude journal, consider what you want to get out of it!

For example, I knew that I didn’t have strong gratitude when I started my journal, so I opted for one with prompts to get me thinking. Prompts get you looking for gratitude in less obvious places. They are also great for making sure you switch up your entries and don’t find yourself repeating the same old things!

The best gratitude journals are:

  • Decorative to excite and energize you during your practice
  • Filled with prompts or topic ideas to get you thinking
  • Have different templates for inspiration – so you don’t get bored

Why It’s Important for You

Many of us may not have the luxury to change our environment rapidly. We may not be able to quit that crap job because we have bills due today! Journaling is a way to change your perspectives, making handling your day-to-day easier.

It allows you to be more in control of how you perceive others and situations. Allowing, you to relieve that stress and let go of complaining – which only highlights the crap you’re knee-deep in!

So yes, it does work. It’s easy to get stuck in the motions or hung-up on what’s wrong – because I too have done it! By taking the time to focus on the good, you’ll improve your day-to-day experiences and physical health.

After all, how we feel internally often drives how we view the world!

Your Beginning of an Exciting Time

Finally tired of feeling like everything, including how you feel is out of your control? You can take your power back! With so many gratitude journals available, it’s easy to find one that resonates with you. So if you feel stuck, irritable, or find yourself often complaining and want to change that, then give gratitude journaling a try.

Taking the time to practice gratitude has helped me reduce the habit of complaining. I’m less irritable and more conscious of the opportunities and blessings that I have and get to experience. I’m able to focus less on what I don’t have and more on what I do have and can control! I took my power back.

Here are some great options to help you take yours back – end your frustration today! You deserve it.