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Thank you for visiting our website! We would like to ask you: Do you struggle with limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, or a negative mindset?

Well, that’s what we are here helping you with at Spirituality Archives! In short, we help our customers cultivate positive mindsets and provide you with the tools to make lasting changes. The reason we know our resources can help is because we understand what it’s like to feel stuck and stressed. To fall victim to comparison and limiting beliefs which hold you back from your goals and who you want to be.

We know you need real solutions that remove limiting beliefs and improve negative thought patterns and Spirituality Archives is here to help you do that! So let us ask you, are you ready to cultivate a growth mindset and achieve your dream life?

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Why Do I Want a Growth Mindset?

Mind Over Matter

Negative emotions and thinking patterns can lead to health complications. Research published in Psychophysiology in 2020 determined that cynical hostility can cause a high risk of heart disease! A study in Stroke published in 2014 saw that people who scored high in unfriendliness, chronic stress, and depressive symptoms had higher risk of stroke.


Everyone falls victim to cognitive distortions! It’s typical to fall into an unhelpful thinking style. Ever dwell on a negative comment no matter the positive feedback? See things in black and white, no room for nuance? Have you ever jumped to a conclusion? These are all cognitive distortions! Thoughts that keep you down or stalling.

Lasting Motivation

Wondering how to stay or become motivated? Many people believe motivation and willpower to be the same, however willpower is only a piece of the puzzle. Long-lasting motivation comes from self-confidence and positive thinking. Self-talk (that voice in your head) has a big impact on your attitude!

Gratitude Journals

  1. Writing in a gratitude journal for just 5 minutes increases feelings of happiness and well-being by over 10%.
  2. Keeping a gratitude journal improves sleep quality, boosts immune system, and reduces symptoms of depression.
  3. Gratitude journaling improves relationships by fostering strong connections and reduces the feeling of loneliness.
  4. Psychology found that participants with an abundance mindset had lower levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress.
  5. Gratitude Journals keep you focused on what you CAN control and allows you to take proactive steps.

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“Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.”
